Sunday, July 27, 2014

New workout

Well, this picture sums it up. I'm fat and it sucks. In 7 weeks I'll be on a cruise, walking around a ship with a few thousand people in bathing suits, eating to my heart's content. This is not good. So tonight I started a new workout. It's not super crazy, but it's a dumbbell workout I can do from home or at the gym. I only have to do it three days a week, with a 4th day of stretching. It rotates muscle groups, so I won't be working out the same muscles two days in a row. The other days I'm going to try to just get out and walk the dog. I hate, HATE, cardio. I can't even explain the loathing, so I'm not making a lot of promises where that is concerned. Hopefully just getting out and walking will keep me moving and motivated on my off days. We shall see!

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